Package aquarium :: Package parse :: Module Authorization
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Module aquarium.parse.Authorization

Parse the Authorization header.

Function Summary
  isHTTPAuthenticated(header, getPasswordCallback)
Is a user HTTP authenticated?

Function Details

isHTTPAuthenticated(header, getPasswordCallback)

Is a user HTTP authenticated?

This is the value of the Authorization header or None (e.g. ctx.wsa.getCgiEnv().get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")).
This is a callback that takes a username and returns the encrypted password for that username. You may raise a KeyError if that user doesn't exist.

Note, only basic authentication is supported at this time.

If a user isn't HTTP authenticated, you'll probably want to do something like:

                 auth='BASIC realm="My Web Site"')

If they are not authenticated, return False. Otherwise, return a tuple of (username, password).

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Mon Jan 1 16:34:19 2007